Welcome! As we enter into the new school year, I am asking for the PTA's assistance in funding new technology within the classrooms. There are many aspects of your child's education that will benefit greatly from the items were are looking to fundraise for. Through the partnership with the PTA, we are hoping to raise enough money to purchase at least one new desktop computer for each classroom, five new touch screen computers for the school's special education department, and enough jump drives to where each student may have their own to save the work they create throughout the school year.
- The jump drives will allow students to digitally take their school work home to share with their parents and do homework electronically.
- Touch screen computers will provide the students in our Special Education Dept. with the ability to communicate with their educators and interact in a stimulating way that can grasp their attention and meet individual needs.
- Computers in the classroom will give students tools at their fingertips to research vital information, communicate with others, and obtain more visual lesson plans that they may be struggling with.
Going into the new school year after a long summer break can pose a challenge for many of us. There is the routine that has to be adjusted to and thinking process that needs to be in place.
"Teachers say technology's visual and interactive qualities can direct students' attention toward learning tasks" (Roblyer, 2007, p. 14).
Let's work together to engage the students in their education through the use of technology!
The computers will utilized for both the Directive Learning and Constructive Learning Theories. Both theories are essential in the classroom. With Directive Learning, students will be taught specific information that they would be tested on. The test would consist of questions whose answers are either right or wrong, with no ambiguity to them. Constructive Learning would be led by the teacher, yet enable students to learn on their own and learn what interests them. This may be a research project conducted using the internet and create a powerpoint presentation to show the class what they have learned.
Technology often has a negative connotation with children, because often times the first thing that comes to mind is the television or video games. They key is monitoring use. In moderation and appropriately used, technology can give students "a head start on what to do in the workplace" (Roblyer, 2007, p. 15). It can also save money on classroom materials, engage the attention of the students, let students have a visual image of the information being taught, and educate students on the proper use of technology (Roblyer, 2007, p. 16).
I ask of the PTA to partner with us in fundraising money to provide these different forms of technology to the students at our school.
Roblyer, M.D. & Doering, A.H. (2007). Integrating educational technology into teaching. (5th ed.). Boston: Allen and Bacon/ Pearson.
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